Best fish of the day for Ted
Despite breaking down several times on his way to the marina, Pablo managed to get to BIF1, joining newly qualified Frequent Flyer member Ted, nicely in time for what I think is one of the highlights of the day aboard BIF1 at the moment. Sunrise. Not that the fishing is poor, but more that now the sun has a low, winter arc, it (he? she? ) rises clear of Seaford head, giving stunning photographic opportunities. As well as enjoying the sunrise I was also of course scanning for fish. Plenty of bait fish, but very few bass marks, which rather tied in with a sterile session on the shingle I enjoyed solo, the previous day. The fishes seem to be withdrawing from the edges.
With this in mind, I ignored all my usual close marks and headed West. For the first two hours, we fished some broken ground, in fairly shallow water. A few fish, including one reasonable bass for Ted, and a nice wrasse for Pablo. But not enough action, so I headed for deeper water rocks. Here, it was a bit of a struggle, apart from one ledge, which was awash with pouting. And, it seemed bass. Dropping down with HTO Boogies and Frolics, and fishing them to their flashy design, was very succesful. In an hour we had the counter up to 21. But all small. With more current on the new flood, we tried some other rocky spots, but other than a stunning gurnard for Ted, not a lot happening. Just as it was time to go in, a drizzly squall kicked up a bit of a swell. We came in, and I was so convinced I would not be sailing again, I put the boat to bed.
Another first on BIF1
But when I got home, already my wind vane was showing me the wind had dropped again. I consulted the swell charts. It was as bad as it was going to get, with the swell dropping all afternoon. I called Pablo on his mobile. He was of course, still in Brighton about to get the AA to come see to him. Instead, he was more than happy to head back out for the second sailing.
West again, and pretty much a repeat of the earlier session. You have to constantly check these spots, as they can come alive (and die again) in a matter of an hour. A slight change in tide can be enough. For three years now, I have attempted to spot patterns. Just as you think you have it all worked out, they change their routines. I have found it more productive to run around a lot, which is where BIF1 and her 30+ knts top speed are very useful. So, we ran around a lot. Until, I suggested, with the new ebb and so far zero fish on the clicker, we go check that hot spot again. "Please" said Pablo. Off we went. And straight into fish.
We stayed on them for the remaining two hours of the session. All smalls, to a best of just 45cm, but a lot of fun on a hard afternoon, and always, ever hopeful that the rod would go round, and scream, as big daddy pushes through the kids. That didnt happen. A succession of 2lb pouting did to the boogie. And the bass clicker, was getting warm. We came back in the gathering gloom, quite happy with the fast and furious action. The clicker had come to rest at 74.