Not enough interest in the first sailing, but 2nd sailing happily filled up quickly, on a very shortly announced sailing, so I should be very happy to have any customers at all really. Im still in shock that the calm seas continue.
Jon was back for more, and Stuart also, returned for some fun with metals. Peter, a BIF1 virgin. And I had a game plan. Peter was keen to fish for herrings, and I was keen for more action than we had been getting, so we kept to small stuff. 35gm frolics and micro rigs for the herrings worked with heavier 75gm frolics to maintain a tight self hooking arrangement. And off we went hunting.
First drifts, nothing much, other than Jon had what was almost certainly a big squid bump off half way up. Shame. I headed for where we found the table bass yesterday. Here, it was busy. Triple hook up on the first drift, and before we spooked the shoal, a futher 14 fish. And happily, for Peters first trip on BIF1, he managed a table fish of 46cm.
Then the fish scattered, and we went back on the hunt. Wrasse were happy to play. Finally, Peter hit two herrings. I saw far more on the screen. I went to get out more sabiki's, when a magic moment happened. The absolute best herring feathers in the whole goddamned world are HTO White feather ones in size six. And I thought I had run out, and they are sold out at HQ,.. digging around, I found a trade pack of these magical things.
Quickly getting everyone rigged with them, the slaughter (the bloody scales...!!! Get everywhere...) began. And good feeds all round. I await to hear the body count, but there was a lot of herrings landed in the last hour, before the darkening skies prompted the "all up" call.