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Brighton Inshore Fishing - Catch report 14th September 2019 C.A.T. 14

Robin Howard (a.k.a. Fishyrob)

First sailing, with James, Ian, Lee and Glenn on board, to see what we could do. Always hopeful for coddies, I was actually quite suprised that we saw zero. Mackerel were a pain, a theme likely to remain for every early saying over the next couple of months. Some properly big ones among them, but pushed along also by them, as there is simply no point. Casting at distance can produce instantly tangeled lines as one determined mackerel goes loop de loop at fifty yards.

Finally, we found bass. And actually, not a bad session in the end. Quality fish, table fish for everyone who wanted, plus several that beat the BIF1 max kill size of 5lb. Some people look at me with wide eyes when I say "sorry, too big". But, if the egg mass produced is the same as the incredibly similar striped bass, where accurate research has been carried out, a 6lb fish can lay as many as 500,000 eggs. So, is it one you are killing? Or half a million. I dont know, so prefer to limit the potential impact of our operations regardless. Its all of our's future fishery out there. I think it wouldnt be such a bad thing to introduce slot sizes, which did so much to assist the recovery of said Striped bass across the pond.

Best fish of that session. Probably James's 7.5lb corker. A nice session, and big smiles all round. Back in, quick Asda garage coffee (Daylight restrictions meaning the lazy wetherspoons breakfast is no longer an option sadly... ). Back out, and this time, a family session. On board, Grandad John, Dad Peter, and nippers Samuel and Luis. I knew it was going to be fun, when 1st drift Luis nailed a plaice on an HTO Mighty minnow. And fun it was. Mackerel continued to be a pain, but with kids on board, an appreciated pain for keeping the interest. Bass all round also, with a couple for the table. Really good fun, and very well behaved and keen nippers, which makes my life so much easier, and is always really appreciated.

Final sailing, and more laughter. Non-stop actually. Deyan, Tod, Dimitry and Peter bouncing off each other beautifully. In English sometimes. Bulgarian also. And a little Russian. Which I could also join in a little, after my salmon camp experiences on the Kola Peninsular And these boys, they got the best of the fishing. Bass after bass fell, after a little hunting to find a worthwhile shoal. Some good fish. But the biggest? Well, that wasnt a bass at all. But a cod, weighed ashore by marina staff at a little under 8lb. (yes, the captor Tod, he is a BIG lad...)

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