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Robin Howard (a.k.a. Fishyrob)

Brighton Inshore Fishing - Catch report 23rd October 2019 C.A.T. 28

A much tougher day today. Three sailings, all full. And all three dogged by the stiff E wind. Not a problem finding fish. Problem was they wouldnt open their mouths. Even the squid were less happy to play, although that changed on darkness.

1st sailing, out with Paul, Howard, his brother Alfie and Jon. No blankers, and indeed, Alfie expanded his lure caught species count with his first Gurnard on a lure, soon followed by his first codling on a lure. The codling was the most interesting part of the day really. I spotted a feature I had never noticed before, thanks to the ordinance survey type markings on my Navioinics platinum chart. I think I would normally be zoomed in on the GPS when drifting this area, but by chance, I was zoomed out which left a pinnacle winking at me.

Paul had the first, then Alfie, then Paul again, in 3 consecutive drifts... 3 codling in a single session, that suggests a new coddie mark. R & D imminent... Especially as no bass were there. They were however, on the usual spot, just 200 yards further on.

2nd sailing, we said goodbye to all but Paul, and welcomed on board, another Jon, and a brace of Peters. That was the crew for the rest of the day, so of we headed. 2nd sailing, the wind increased, and I quickly had to come back tight to the marina to get out of a nasty swell. Here we did find some bass, although a long way off what should be. "Dont worry too much, it will all happen on the 3rd sailing" I suggested, those squid from the previous day sitting in my mind. Well, 3rd was probably the poorest sailing of the day. And the squid crescendo I had promised? We had to hunt hard, to find a single creature.

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