First sailing and regulars Lee and Keith were joined by new to Bif Augusto. Sadly, that did not last so long, coz after 30 minutes bumping around in quite a big swell, Augusto and Keith suffered the scourge of boat angling. Sea sickness. I must admit, I felt it a bit myself also. So, a quick pit stop and just Lee and myself left on board. The first few drifts had been in search of edibles, which were slow to respond other than a rather late mackerel. Lee however, was not interested in a feed, but in action. A quick scan for birds, and we were back on the bass.

Sizes were smaller than the previous day, but numbers were good. Plenty of action, and by the end of the session over 30 bass had been boated and released. Plus a rather late Garfish as well. The power of bait fish... Incidentally, there are STILL a couple of mullet hanging around in the marina also. But sea temperatures inshore, are hovering around the 10 degrees marker.

2nd sailing, and all new crew. Harley, Tim and Ryan, joined regular Nick. Good banter, but somebody had thrown the fish switch firmly to the off position. No birds working, and the first two hours were pretty slow, even out on the sand banks which I had stupidly come to the conclusion were a given for action.

Happily, the last hour, and a push west to places I have not been bothering with since all the rain, proved a winner. Sporadic bass action, and bigger fish. Some very hard fighting wrasse also. Even a small pollack which is something we dont see inshore very often anymore. I managed BIF1's 7th John Dory to date. A PROPER gurnard also, making me wonder if they are coming in to breed early. And a glorious sunset on much flatter seas which made for a much nicer run to port.

I am hoping to squeeze one session in the morning. Quite tight, as a bit of breeze is threatening around lunch time. And then, once that settles, a week of horrific wind and rain is on the cards. A good week to not be in the UK sadly... Keep an eye on the Brighton Inshore Fishing facebook page for next sailing or follow me, Robin Howard on Facebook for the same.