First sailing and out with Danny and Andrew. Their first time out in a boat fishing as well. They are usually patrons of the arms, which explained their hunger for mackerel. "Plenty of mackerel about" I advised them. "lets fish bass, and do the mackerel in the last 20 minutes..." to which they readily agreed.

Stacks of bait about everywhere, and this seems to have the effect of spreading the bass out everywhere. Already we can see quite a different season unfolding to last year. As my facebook account keeps rubbing in, we were on the start of the big girls this time last year, when 9.75 was a very popular weight with quite a few of the bass and yet, so far this year, although plenty of table fish, those bigger ones are failing to put in an appearance in the edges. Fingers cross that changes.

On the flip side, with the two bass per angler limit for 2020, it is a great year for bass eaters, of which Danny and Andrew were, and they were very happy to go up the road with a brace of bass each. Then, onto the hectic mackerel fishing... Thing is, I hadnt allowed for low tide, which it now was, and without current, mackerel are much harder to find. We found just one. A proper jumbo at least a pound and a half, but just the one... oops...

2nd sailing, and it was Jason and Mitch out with me, as individuals. But as always on my vessel it wasnt long before they seemed as if they had known each other forever. This was a lovely gift for Jason from his wife, and as a keen kayaker just getting into the delights of lure fishing, I guess a pretty good gift. Mitch, a regular since I began. Fishing, was ok. As with the first session, enough action to prevent anything close to boredom setting in. Fish for the table. Good banter. Great weather. The only thing better might have been a visit from those big girls.

3rd sailing, and brothers Ted and Alfie were on board, a birthday gift for Ted from his mum. Lots of gifts flying around today. And I am very flattered my gig is considered gift worthy. A great couple of lads actually. With a bit of tweeking, pretty good rod skills and this showed through with some nice fish. Maybe less fish on this session than the previous two. And smaller. Indeed, we only managed 3 table fish (42cm+) and another jumbo mackerel. We finished on the feathers and mackerel, and happily with good flood happening, the mackerel obliged.

Final sailing, and Ruth, husband Miguel and son Oscar were on board. A really lovely smiley family, which is why it was such a shame that Neptune pretty much locked his wards away. The ONLY bass to come. was at least an edible sized one for Oscar. But it was Miguel's birthday that the gift (another...!!) was all about from his friend and BIF1 client Mark. The best we could get Miguel. was another of those jumbo mackerel. Tide was just lacking in oomph and this reflected. Getting more and more desperate, and with limited casting skills on board. I ended up heading for deeper water on some spots I often leave alone until coddie time. Here jumbo pout and small bream at least got the rods bending. It even got busy at one point with a double hook up. Not ideal for me, but I am always aware that it isnt about me, and for a customer. some action is better than no action.

Happily, for former fish chef Miguel , there was something in the bag for him to turn into a masterpiece on their return home. But such a shame the seas went off the boil for these guys. They really enjoyed the experience, and I will throw in an hours casting tuition on the beach that the next time they come, they might have an even better experience.

An interesting day. Around 50 bass saw hooks in them with many of those being table sized plus, and yet, in the space of a couple of hours, how much it changed. Very interested to see how tomorrow goes.

A heads up that this coming week will be the final week of four sailings a day. The following week. sailing times will become 0700 - 1100 - 1500
Spaces are available on Tuesday on a suddenly much improved forecast. The blowy weather looking like it might come tomorrow late afternoon instead. 07970 112774 to get on board.
