First up on another glorious and windless morning, was Theo. Although a keen and very capable fly fisherman, to the point where I have asked him to guide me to something that I consider a little bit special, in the local area. Somethnig I had always meant to get round to with bait, but which Theo has experienced with the fly. Big respect.

The big deal of the day, was how much the may rot had receded. Always difficult to tell in the early morning light, but distinctly, something was quite different. First stop, some deeper water, and to some fish I had observed several times. This shoal, I initially thought, doesnt like to feed. But then it dawned on me in the shower, as many things do, that is an absurd statement. Of course they feed, but perhaps at only certain states of the tide, for reasons only bass really know. Perhaps these bass are in a bass sect, and have broken away from the mainstream bass to do their own things. Who knows...? Well, bass do. And, I am constantly trying to untangle their challenges on new grounds for BIF1. Getting warmer it would seem.

First drop, fish on. Corker as well. Then Theo happily engaged with one, followed by another two crackers on my rod. Purely Theo getting his hand in. These bigger fish, can take with the gentlest of plucks. I have thought a lot about why this is. And still cant work it out. I need a water wolf (underwater camera) I think, but knowing my luck the bass whould hit that.

Then, it seemed we had finally upset them. We moved inshore, to shallow waters. The first time I have fished inside close all year, and here were bass. Small ones abounded, and I am sure some bigger ones are among them, even though none troubled us this day. Theo had really got back in the groove by then end of the session, and I hope to see him again with whackers of his own.

Next up, Bruno, Bruno hails from Portugal, and having spent a month this year, my first visit, gave us much to talk about. where we had time. Because the fishing was quite excellent. Bruno wanted bass and bream, with only bream for the table,.As we like to make wishes become fishes on BIF1, Bruno got exactly that. Some quality bass among the smalls, and lots of bream. At least anouther 30 bream for the ninety minutes we fished them. Great sport, and a very happy Bruno departing.

Next up, return of regular Armando, for his first post lockdown BIF1 experience. He too wanted Bass and Bream, and Neptune allowed BIF1 to grant is wishes with fishes. Not quite as hectic on the bream, A bonus wrasse also. The smiles on Armando's face were no less greater than his predecessor on BIF1. . It is almost a shame the bigger bream will soon more and more be browsing much more spread out, and many drifting out to the wrecks, if local folklore is based on fact. I wouldnt know. Wrecks are like, miles out..

Final session, and would you believe it, if it wasnt rock and roll superstar, education businessman extraordinaire, and , more importantly, the man whom without BIF1 would not be a thing, MR Bruce Dickinson. Sadly, due to CV-19 regulations, his lad Leo could not accompany him this time. I get asked a lot if same households can book the boat. The answer is of course, yes. But I have to come live with you for ten days first, at my current hourly rate of 33.33 an hour...

Bruce wanted bass and bass. And they abounded. Huge shoals if wbitebait twinkled on the mirror calm surface everywhere. The sounder marked shoals of everything being smashed apart. Lots of small bass. Fewer but some quality bass. Bruce spotted the fly rod sitting there... "How do you use this Rob?" he teased, befre setting about four fish on the trot. Fly fishing is on guys, and with every charter a whole boat charter, for just you, the ideal time to come give it a go.

Lots of good chat and an amazing sunset was to fillow. The perfect end to the perfect day, if a little tiring.. Couldnt ask for more. Still some availability next week.07970 112774 to get on board.
