The 0500 start is not just because I am an insomniac. Neither is it due to predation being at a peak as the first light of the new day takes grip on the darkness, bringing opportunities in the half light. It is more about how our rock works in the summer. It is often the case, that the first few hours get wind off the land, sometimes quite strong winds, but off the land. Then, as the day warms, the direction shifts usually to SW, and by afternoon there are big troughs and white horses as the sea "breezes" really get a hold. That is exactly how it is working today.

This means it is often possible to squeeze in a sailing, that would not be possible if I started at 0900 as the big boats often do. They are far less wind affected than myself, so super early starts are not something they consider, unless targeting something very tide specific. But for me, just the one sailing, early doors, is something of a norm. At least I got regulars Max, Curtis and Peter, who also dragged along friend Jamie for his first time. out for some boat time finally. And very good boat time it was.

Coming out on almost slack tide, I tried a couple of holes before moving on to the main event. The holes only had small fish in them, so I didnt linger too long. Which was just as well, because the main even was fish filled. Something a bit special happening today. Not quite sure what but it could be mega shoals of britt, which make for more positive bites on the shads. Which could explain why we ended up with 59 fish boated, and lots more dropped and missed.

Frantic action, although it did slow a little in the last 30 minutes. Maximum kill and plenty of 42cm + fish released as well. A truly excellent session. Likely to be mirrored tomorrow morning on the 0500 sailing, which has 3 spaces currently. Text to 07970 112774 if you would like some of this action.