The last day of, what has to be said, has been a rag tag, wind bitten month. Not too sad to say goodbye to it, as with its passing, the better fishing should begin to show. Still with a stiff, and very cold northerly air stream, first sailing today composed of regular Mitch, and new to BIF1 Ray and Mal.

Off we headed. A little after high tide, I attempted to repeat the previous mornings pretty successful session. And, guess what? Well, your wrong. For a change, it pretty much mirrored the previous mornings session, but with more fish, despite more challenging conditions with the slightly stronger wind. Seventeen bass, to 4.5lb, and mostly quality fish. A really good mornings fishing.

No cod, or John Dories on this occasion, but a pair of adult dolphins appeared about 400 meters away. Ray told us a story, from when he was on holiday in Greece, and on a small boat when dolphins appeared. The greek owner told them all how to call them over. They tried it, and the dolphins came. "Go on then" I said. Ray did it, and the pair turned 45 degrees and came straight to the boat. I'm not saying how, in case any french commercial fisherman are reading this... .

One thing is for sure, Ray and Mal had a good time, and I suspect we will see them again on BIF1 before she shuts down on 29th November. Some other points of interest going forwards. All VOUCHERS MUST BE REDEEMED BY THIS DATE so if you own a pre paid birthday voucher, make sure you use it soonish. Also, timings of sailings change twice in two months. As of tomorrow 0630 - 1100 - 1500. As of 1st October - 0730 - 1200 . Whole boat charter prices also increase to £200 per sailing on that date.

Second sailing, and the return of Angela, with her son Dylan, both returnee's , but this time with other son Oscar. And wow. How two sessions can differ. Everyone casting and fishing nicely considering the conditions, Except, the fish were not having it. We fished very hard indeed hunting that bass, and yet, didn't find a single one. For the final 30 minutes we did manage plaice, gurnard and mackerel, to prevent the blank, but of bass we could not find. The guys are back with me later this week, so fingers crossed I can salvage the situation then.

Third sailing, and new to BIF1 Harry, was joined by returnee's on a double day here, Peter with his son Leo. Last time here, they had a blast with some good bass fishing, mostly on top waters. I did warn them it might be tough, the previous session still haunting me, but Leo got the ball rolling with a small, and then happily Harry had a cracker. Things were looking up.

And down, as the wind got ever stronger, and began to veer with a little more E to it. Hard conditions on a small tide with a very low co-efficient. We were actually being pushed across the tide, which is never ideal.

I did however know of one drift where one might put this to ones advantage, and so it was. We did some plaicing before hand, with everyone enjoying action, but just one for the table. And then back to the bass for the last 40 minutes. Final tally, just 8, but actually, not too bad a session at all, despite the challenges.
