Not much interest in these sailings, and I was quite happy for that, as the N wind was still going to create difficult conditions even if I had sailed by myself. However, last minute I found myself with two souls wishing to join me. I named midday as the time, with the only intention to getting back to my bass shoal.
The day started on an interesting note. To deter seagulls from nesting on the marina buildings (erm... bit of a cheek... rip up their nesting homes... build des res ones... deny them their heritage...) the pest control guys fly Harris Hawks at this time of year. Although the handler, as I, was waiting for the wind to die down, before releasing the beautiful creature.
Baby pollack I do believe... suddenly appeared this week in the marina.
I met with Dan and Jon, and we headed out. The wind was still quite strong, although forecast to drop all day, which is how it turned out. I had warned the guys that the fishing would be quite tough, with the boat skidding across the tide. What I hadnt warned them about, was there might be the Sussex dive club boat, practicing man overboard routines, right on the spot. I mean, to the very yard. You couldnt make it up. I scouted about further along the reef, but my banker had been blown. Understandably, the spikey's had flown the coup...
I tried a few other spots. Inshore, other rocks, but it wasnt happening so much other than one nice wrasse. After a couple of hours since the dive boat had left the spot, I suggested we go see if they were back. And they were. Well, lots of marks from all sorts. And in that last hour, two bass, another wrasse and a welcome couple of mackerel appeared. I would have run longer, but had to get back for a guided shore session. All looking good for when the wind eases back, which on the current forecast is likely to be Friday. And then, a spell of good settled stuff for the weekend...!!
I have availability Saturday, Sunday and Monday. And on the current forecast, it might even keep going. 07970 112774 to get on board...