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Brighton Inshore Fishing - Catch report 23rd June 2019

Robin Howard (a.k.a. Fishyrob)

Bit of a mirror of the previous day, other than I had the opportunity to cancel the rest of the day after just the 2nd sailing. First sailing, with Luke and Rick, and Catalin and John, was the better sailing. Just enough fish to not call it slow. And a few for the table. Wind was annoying in that it was quite strong, and from the east, which meant just a hint of cover from the mainland, but still enough to push across the tide. A messy wind, that means no two drifts are ever the same.

This same wind was also forecast to swing slightly more to the South, which was excactly what it did do at the end of the 2nd sailing, enabling me to cancel the rest of the day. Happily, with it so abysmal on the fish front. Very few small schoolies, and nothing being taken home for tea. Not that there wasnt fish caught. David put his frequent flying experience to very good use, with 2 quality fish. But David is also very much behind the bass recovery program and fishes to a zero take policy. The irony, as I had two jobbing chef's on board. If anyone would appreciate a fresh 3lb bass it would have been these guys. Neptune knew it. I been on a bit of a roll. He likes to slap me down and remind me of the reality of the seas every now and then. They clearly are not, a bottomless larder....

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