Due to the issue with the oil cooler, I had no choice but to cancel first sailing, that I might get some oil from the chandlers. A real shame as it turned out, coz it was pretty much flat calm this morning. A long way from the 14 gusting 25 MPH NE wind that was forecast. And the wind remained nothing more than a stiff breeze for the 2nd sailing. So, Nick, John and Benny, plus myself, headed out. Past "Split III" just beginning to get to work scooping out all the marina mud. Probably a couple of my mobile phones as well...

Initally, the fishing was very good. Stunning, might be too strong a word, but when you struggle to find fish SMALL enough to kill (I run a 5lb max kill) you have to wonder, is that a good session? Schoolies were non-existent. Smallest fish was probably a scraper taker. A couple in the perfect 3lb bracket saw that happy clients were planning BBQ action for later in the day. But, sadly, it is rare a perfect session remains forever. The wind in this case, protecting Neptunes stocks. The drifts became too fast across the tide, and virtually unfishable. I spent the rest of the session hunting schooies in the lea of the wind, using the west arm of a happily empty marina to break the worst of the wind.