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Robin Howard (a.k.a. Fishyrob)

Brighton Inshore Fishing - Catch report 30th June - 7th July 2019

Apologies for the combined catch reports. With good settled weather finally dominating, I am up at 0345 and to bed around midnight at the moment, which does not leave much time for blogging. This coming week will be the final week of 3 sailings per day, so normal blogging will be resumed shortly. Meanwhile, here is an update of what is happening out there...

The week began a bit scratchy. Some sessions quite clearly better than others, with first and last tending to be the ones to go for. But, as the tides got bigger, so did the fish. To the point, it became hard towards the end of the week to find fish SMALL enough for the table (I run a max 5lb kill size. Most fish 5lb or over are female, and very valuable to the reconstruction of the stock).

Not just bass happening either. An amazing week for species, with thin lipped mullet, smoothhound and flounder, all caught on HTO mighty minnows. On one session, I had a request for wrasse, which fell quickly to small HTO frolics (30gm)

Fish of the week was easy to spot though. My client Howard managed to do battle with a cracker. Weighed aboard on a flat see, the 76cm old lady took the scales to 12lb 4oz. A new BIF1 best, by a clear 2lb.

Currently, the fishing is excellent. Not for numbers, but for quality fish, which seem to be loving the inshore at the moment. Lots of options for big bass in there though, with crab peels continuing, enhanced by hoodles of small cuttles. And with the settled period extending, if you have been waiting for some good fishing to join a group on BIF1, this IS that time...

Spaces are available, although selling out fast, and with the numbers of sailing shortly to be reduced, availability will also reduce, so please give me a call, on 07970 112774 to reserve yours now.

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