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Brighton Inshore Fishing - Catch report 19th December 2021

Writer's picture: Robin HowardRobin Howard

Out for just a single sailing with Mark and Damo. We had a second scheduled, but we all agreed before we went out, if the fishing was slow, we would not do the 2nd one.

Waters now crystal clear, and glimpses of sun when it wasnt blotted by freezing cold fog, means even the whiting were not in the mood to play. Although I wont say one hundred percent that was the issue, as we also did not mark a single herring shoal despite having a hunt in places we dont normally hunt, hoping to find them.

It actually started ok. We had seven schoolies to the boat, while cod / Squid fishing, and, one of those most rare creatures, a December codling. Mark had that, his very own xmas present from Neptune, as he does go gooey over them. Normally, a 3lb codling would have been released, but on this occasion, with my travel plans having changed leaving me in the UK for xmas after all, and the Omicron invasion meaning I have no intention of battling grandmas for the last packet of brussel sprouts in Asda's, it was dispatched for my xmas dinner.

Literally as we went back up the drift after that fish, out of the suddenly thickened fog came a local tangle netter, shooting a string. I ignored his friendly wave, instead directing an icy stare. Indeed, had I super powers, his boat would have instantly become a iceberg. But I regret that now. We are both out there earning money, and if he had seen me running the drift, which the now poor viz had prevented, I am sure he would have given me a bit more room.

I attempted to adjust for the new start to avoid the net, but I simply couldnt get a worthwhile drift on the small area that is distinctly coddy on this ground. Damo mentioned he had never had a dab before... "Everybody up". We went out to some ground that produces quite a few dabs, but by now we had lost the tide, and for lures to work with flatfish you need them to be moving. A solitary plaice came up to Marks rod. Very skinny. Spawned and back already? Not impossible in this crazy year.

Then on to another cod/ squid spot. Except, this time, both were missing. Squid catches have been dropping away, and the last two nights in pretty much perfect conditions I have also had a look on the beach for them. No squid. Perhaps this latest full moon, is the squid signal to all go somewhere else, for some other reason. I will try again next sailing I do, but should the result be zero squid, then that is likely squid fishing finished until the Loligo Forbessi make their inshore breeding run in the middle of March..

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