Just managed to squeeze in the first sailing, before the wind swung to the east to create wind against tide bounce. On board, the birthday boy Richard, Garry and Max, all experienced biffers. Unable to get offshore to my usual early season last of ebb spots the first hour and a half were pretty slow, with just a couple of fish, both to Garry.
But, as predicted, once the flood tide started happening so the bite rate increased. More rock worms happening. These are not exclusive to boats out in the deeper water either. There is a rock worm congregation happening on a couple of local beaches, with those anglers in the know doing very well in darkness. Its a shame that we cannot currently fish the east arm of the marina at night either, as there is a spot along there where rock worms get busy. BTW, it is ILLEGAL to collect and use rock worm in the SIFCA area. And with good reason, so I wont drill down on that, as ignorance will likely save people being fined.
Final tally was sixteen bass landed. Fish for the table for everyone, including me today, as I have a friend coming for tea. Big smiles, sharp banter. Other than the nagging cold and a brief shower, it was a great session. But the boat had swung to face the oncoming tide by the end of the session, with a bit of bump on the way home. I think cancelling the following sailing was the right thing to do.