All trips this preceding week have been cancelled, although I have still been sailing, desperate to find worthwhile quarry for my crews. Today, I started early, and bought out GRP Joe (West marine's amazing glass man) to assist, as it was a great opportunity to discuss upcoming works upon her.

I had already told Joe he wasnt going to catch much, if anything, so expectations were low. A few whiting on some deeper plaice banks. Then nothing on some rough ground. Then... hurrah, a small plaice on another deeper bank.

I came into shallower water and tried a bit I like to drift near low. And here we had two more plaice, including a quite reasonable one. But with the tide almost at bottom, I called a halt, telling Joe to meet me at 1300, to fish over the high water, mainly to take advantage of the lovely sunshine. My friend Lee who was out in the morning without much success also agreed to come along

I had to try a few spots before we found another patch of feeding plaice. Not just plaice either. Joe had his first flounder, and this afternoon the sounder showed more bait fish, and Lee had his first herring. Plus a few more plaice. And every tide now, should see more and more of these flatties moving inshore. A shame this week looking a bit too breezy for sailing.

So, why now there are plaice? Two possible explanations. Possibly, the clarity only just came good for the lures to be effective. Or these big spring tides are the ones that have returned the spawned out plaice, ravenous, to the inshore. Foodies need not get too excited just now, as these fish are very thin indeed, and not worth the slaughter, for the most part. However, their sporting qualities remain amazing. A 40cm flattie in 12 feet of water screams line on occasion on the lure tackle. Great fun as we await better things. And because of that, I am now taking bookings from next weekend onwards once more.
