Lots of these around at the mo...
Sailing with a full boat for a nice change. Frequent flyers Clint and Iain joined new client Lionel, and Captain Bruce was also aboard, enthused by the coddie captures on the previous trip. We headed straight to the outer rocks, and, as predicted, found some bass with the ebb just beginning to pick up pace on what suddenly was a much bigger tide than just two days prior.
small fish though. With the northerly breeze not allowing us a perfect drift, I zig-zagged along, with odd fish coming regularly, but no concentrations of fish to be found. I was quietly happy with all of this, as I had an ace up my sleeve further west. One thing that was immediately noticeable, was that there were a lot more wrasse active than at any time this year since about February. It really is seeming we harbour a cracking winter wrasse fishery on these marks. Last year, after Christmas, we saw 4lb+ bruisers. Here's hoping the same for this year.

And these...
Not only wrasse, but good numbers of tub gurnard were also active, including some good specimens. But not so many bass. I moved along to another set of rocks. Very similar results. "OK" I said. "We are going wrecking". My ace up my sleeve. But sadly, the wreck is a very small wreck (actually not a wreck at all, but the cargo that was on the wreck, concrete slabs) and the fish very easily disturbed. And when we got to her, we found my berthing neighbour anchored on her, happily ploughing their way through an endless stream of giant pout. I tried a drift alongside, and did get close enough to her to expect fish. But the bass shoals simply were not there. Possibly as a result of the boat at anchor.

Two jumbo mackerel on one HTO Frolic 75gm slow jig
So, we continued prospecting on rocks. But at no time did I spot any good shoals of bass, which was reflected in the final count on the bass counter of seven fish. However, the day was a good day, if variety and numbers count for anything. I should imagine we had more than ten Gurnards, around 8 or 9 wrasse, some giant mackerel, and maybe ten squid when a few of us tried for them as the tide slackened off. It was rare for someone not to get some action, and a long way from boring. Actually, not bad at all for a four hour trip. Lionel had caught his first bass on a lure, and also his first ever squid. I think he was happy with it all. I also think he was perhaps quite suprised how we do things. I feel he enjoyed light line lure fishing very much. And I suspect we will see him again....

"the squid they came in two by two... HURRAH... HURRAH..."
Sailing on Sunday. Currently, I have two rods taken. However, this Sunday is a great forecast, and the last great forecast for at least eight or nine days, as we have a wealth of autumnal horrible wet and windy stuff coming. So much, that I might evac myself from the UK for a week or so. So, if you keep reading these blogs and think to yourself "I must try that" try it this Sunday. Consider 6 rods available at the time of writing, as I will happily sail twice to accommodate. As always - 07970 112774 to get on board.