May already!!! How the weather has delayed the bass season. Although the constant coloured sea does seem to have given us a less severe may rot season as a consequence. Clear evidence of it dying today, with thick scummy patches forming on the surface.

Short tides plus may rot meant that the ebb tide was a bit of a struggle. Well, a lot of a struggle really. I totally failed to find the fish other than just two, on a patch of rock offshore, where there was a bit of movement in an otherwise lack lustre tide. Did a lot of running around but other than a large pouting, and the two bass, that was it for Curtis, David, Adam and Lee.

Next sailing, with an hour of ebb still to clear, I went out to my limits for a patch of ground I rarely visit, but can on its day hold some fine fish. Joining me on this sailing, Simon, Armand, Mervin and Duncan.
I marked some great shoals of what I suspect were bass, confirmed when Duncan opened the score. On the next drift, Mervin hooked up to something that made the rod whack over and the clutch scream. On examining the situation, I giggled inside. "Be calm Merv, you have hit some structure...." "it's a fish" Mervin insisted. I looked again. The rod was arched over. Locked solid. And then bounced.... "OMFG that's a fish Merv" I helpfully advised him. And what a fish. A new boat PB hit the surface. At least 7lb of slimey conger, our 3rd in nearly eight years, dropped into the net.

And with that excitement, the tide quietly turned, and began to flood back towards Beachy head, and we were able to get back into the shallows, with far less chances of such an encounter. And here, the bass were playing.

No beasts, but at least a fish apiece for the table. No big numbers, but 13 bass landed, after the first session, felt like a great success. Everyone smiling and happy. Amazing calm conditions. A good day. Sailing just once tomorrow at 1000, and will likely stay out beyond the regular 3 hours to take advantage of the new flood, but governed by the stiff SW forecast for around 1400.... 2 spaces available. Text to 07970 112774 if that is for you.
