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Brighton Inshore Fishing - Catch report 5th December 2017

Robin Howard (a.k.a. Fishyrob)

Pablo with a classic Brighton rock wrasse

Im truly not sure the last time it happened. And I think a new friend inadvertently called it on. She wished me a good night... to sleep well. I promised I would, as the day had been long, and my body very ready for soft sheets and lights out. But for the first time in a very long time, I did not awake before my alarm. Or even on my alarm. Instead, a whole hour and ten minutes AFTER my alarm... Panic mode... Happily my two clients were both in the Frequent Flyers club, and were prepared to the point, to accept that even charter skippers can be human... I of course paid for it all day. Everything from the weather to the lack of gurnard was due to starting an hour later...

Out to all the usual places at a full 25knts, to try and make up for the late start. Sea was lumpier than I would have liked, and only due to get worse until late afternoon, by which time we would be back in. But BIF1 is a Pirate hull, and the more I ride her in bumpier stuff, the more I realise just how safe she is. A very different day with the fishes today. A classic example of how things can change so quickly. After lamenting the amount of bass around in my last blog post, it proves another thing. Neptune follows our blog!! Coz today he thought he would make my ramblings from yesterday irrelevant. He threw on a bass tide. Not only did he give us about 40 bass in the first two hours, he gave them to us on the early flood on a mark I normally only fish on the ebb, but decided to have just one drift as it is on the way to other spots...

Those other spots also produced bass. Some pouting, but in smaller numbers than previous trip. No pollack, no fabled cod, no Gurnards... It was distinctly a bass tide. With the bass counter in 51 we moved back to the scene of good bassing to try it on the ebb. But just a couple of cute wrasse took the HTO Frolics.

Sizes of the bass were small. Indeed, when it was really going off, both Pablo and Jon landed 45cm bass. Potential for the table.... "You might not be able to keep a bass for over a year" I remiinded them... "Do you want to keep these"... "No" they both responded "we will wait for a better one". "Up to you" I said. "its possible we wont see another legal fish..."... Guess what??....

Next sailing is currently in the lap of the gods. Certainly nothing before the weekend. Feel free to either check in on 07970 112774 or keep an eye on our Facebook page Brighton Inshore Fishing for sailing announcements. We will be sailing every day weather permits until January 31st. This includes all Christmas days. We may be closed for New years week, but we will keep everyone in the loop.

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