Full boat first sailing. Neville and Mikey, Tony and Andrew. Of out to the last of the ebb, and an hour of the flood... We drifted the cod spot, hunted for gurnards. That kind of thing. But shocker of the day, I couldnt find any gurnards on the mussel bed I was rather hoping they were calling home for the summer. We I think found just 2 all session So thrown was I , that we went hopping rocks looking for anything that might be there. Which was actually a single wrasse, a gurnard, and my first shad to have its tail bitten off since the nesting bream left last year...

This forced me to go to coddie spot no 3, which as ever was rammed with pout. But coddies. well, yes, there was one. The smallest one on BIF1 to date... However, it was Nevilles coddie, and he was very proud. Especially as he is on a bit of a flying visit from his home in Michigan, USA. At least the pout had given all the guys some fast and furious action. But there was more to come. With the new flood, I took us onto the closer coddie mark. And here, we found two slightly bigger ones, although still small to what we have been finding. A sign of the coddies slipping away? No idea. You would have to ask a cod...Neville "the cod magnet" and Tony being the lucky anglers.

2nd sailing was originally two individuals, Stuart and Dean. But Tony and Andrew enjoyed the morning session, and with the weather so so good, and my talk of "better fishing when there is a bit of tide" persuaded them to come out for the next sailing. Which was even more bitty and a struggle than the morning sailing. I pretty much repeated the routine, for similar results, but just couldnt find the fish in any concentrations. Pouting again being a saver. Happily though, I think the real saver was the weather. It was simply stunning to be out there. And although not one of my finest results skippering BIF1, I think everybody who stepped on board today was hooked by the very different experience. Light line lure fishing in 23 degrees of windless sunshine, simply rocks. Fish are a bonus...

Other news. Water temperatures finally went through the 10 degrees mark. And instantly with the combination of the uber clear seas, Mayrot has firmly begun. Its in its initial, sedimentary form now, but soon the gloop, and a few weeks of hunting rot free windows in the ocean... Friday, I have availability all day. Saturday - first and last sailings - Sunday has been withdrawn based on the current forecast... 07970 112774 to get on board.