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Brighton Inshore Fishing - Catch report 13th May 2018

Robin Howard (a.k.a. Fishyrob)

Perhaps fish of the day for Marky..

Just one sailing today. All aimed at one specific mark, where I hoped to stay in touch with the only shoal of bass that seems consistently to be where I expect it to be each time I look. And todays trip, with Garry, Ben, Marky and Damien on board, was to be no exception. Two bass on the first drift no less. However, the SW and very stiff wind pushed us over the mark, rather than along it, and it was very tough to stay in touch with the shoal.

Nice plaice on the HTO Stink pot

We managed eight bass in the first two hours. Marky also managed a bream on the HTO Boogie. The same lure and the same angler also managed a decent grey gurnard, the first this year on BIF1. When the bream came in, I went down on the HTO stink pots fished on a half a set of sabikis and a 3 oz lead. This resulted in a couple of mackerel, and a decent plaice!!

With the shoal not showing for a few drifts, we tried three other spots for not so much. A tub gurnard on the tub gurnard mark, but only a small one. The may rot is still preventing the very inshore marks from firing up, but we had a little go on some middle marks. Plenty of big bronzy pouting.

Grey gurnard for Marky...

And then, happily with an ever freshening SW wind beginning to kick up some fairly big swells, the session was over. Smiles all round. A very enjoyable three hours

Then a race up the Ouse to meet my client for the last sailing, now abandoned due to the swell. A few hours chasing thin lips. We saw approximately five, whereas two days before I had 500 feeding in front of me. Thats fishing... we swapped over to bass, for absolutely no result either. Possibly yesterdays rain having effect. It was a lovely way to end the day. Well, nearly. There is a pub in Brighton with a bottle of Diplomat, and I intend to go help turnover that pubs stock...

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