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Brighton Inshore Fishing - Catch report 11th July 2018

Robin Howard (a.k.a. Fishyrob)

Fish of the day for Richard

set out this morning with just Richard on board to keep me company, returning for his second BIF experience. With short tides, it is a case of go out and hunt, because there is always something somewhere to be had. With very light winds, I suggested we go seek food fishes for half the session and then go hunt some bass. And that is what we did. I was very suprised with the plaice though. Really nice drifts, perfectly on the tide, and other than one dropped, zero. Mackerel and gurnards were happy to oblige though, so at least something to take home for supper.

The bassing was only slightly better. Not so many fish around. But happily Richard found himself attached to one quality fish that was landed. And I think the buzz he got from it, will see him a frequent flyer quite soon. Bassing on light gear is simply awesome.

Next time for some fly action. With an empty boat I invited my friend Dave along for maximum effect. Just two oversized schoolies landed to my fly, and too many missed opportunities. Sadly Dave did not land any, which prompted an interesting debate. I think you simply cannot get a fly back quickly enough once it is deployed. Dave prefers a more leisurely retrieve. I guess the season will show what is the better method.

Just the two afternoon sailings tomorrow as I need to do some stuff, like visit the barbers... Spaces available - 07970 112774 to get on board.

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