Fish of the day for Ryan
1st and 2nd sailings I was joined by Gavin, Doug and Ryan. Some fishy connections here, as Ryan works for Drennan, the fishing tackle company still run by Peter Drennan. This gear was staple to my fishing all through my teens, and especially when I was freshwater match fishing. Reliable and well designed. Everything you could ask for really. Gavin had experienced the delights of BIF1 on a trip last year, and had booked up the double session, which we were running back to back. Always an option with whole boat charters.

Nice one for Gavin
The morning session has to be described as less amazing than the previous morning, but still not terrible. We found fish, but the sizes were less. More 1.5lb fish than 4lb fish. Ryan did well though, bagging two quality fish among the schoolies. A hell of a lot of fish following but not committing. I think the highlight of the trip for me though, was Dougie. He came to BIF1 not previously having caught a bass on a lure, and not only did he do it, but he did it in the best possible way, on a heddon one knocker spook...

I skipped 3rd sailing, as the A & E incident had robbed me of sleep, and I was flagging. Happily just Al was booked in, and he happily swapped to the 1730 where he joined Phil and a last minute phone call from Peter saw him join the merry band. Off we went. Again, a struggle. The mass of personal water craft with seas at 21 degrees inshore likely the cause. But we found some fish. Just enough. And being at sea, with such a spectacular sunset, was worth the outing in itself.

Dougies first bass