With an amazing out of the blue spell of high pressure descending upon us, again a sailing day. And with enough interest confirmed, a double sailing day, which is much welcomed at this time of the year. Sold out as well. I made everyone aware that the fishing was a long way from what it was just three or so weeks ago, but I think with perfect seas forecast, the main vibe was just happy to be out on the water.

First sailing, was with Jon, Shane, Ian and Armando. We began with a couple of drifts on a cod spot, and then began chasing along the rocks looking for anything worthwhile. It was pretty tough going, but always with something happening just enough to keep the interest. I noticed a few shoals of what I suspected to be herring, always a good sign.

The rocks yielded the usual suspects. Some nice wrasse, some good pouting. Small bass, and some whiting. Never fast and furious, but interestingly, the bass were found at a spot where I find them return first. Or do they actually leave? Going to be interesting to find out... Nothing for the table on the morning session.

The afternoon session was a whole boat charter for Luke and his friend Phil. However, Phil was unable to make it last minute. Ian was still hoping to get a bass for the table (we only have until midnight 31st December to do this) and so happily filled in. Off we went again. A similar routine. With similar results. Except at least one bass was for the table (Ian's fish) as well as some schoolies returned. Luke was on strict instructions to return with fish, and this we managed with jumbo pout. Again wrasse, and whiting, and small gurnards. Still no signs of those bigger ones that made such a difference to the mid winter fishing last year. Fingers crossed they will show soon. And a beautiful sunset, and two happy anglers stepping off. Made me happy.