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Robin Howard (a.k.a. Fishyrob)

Brighton Inshore Fishing - Catch report 16th February 2019

Originally, the forecast had just deteriorated too much for me to contemplate sailing, so the previous evening all bookings were cancelled. But it shocks me less and less when you wake up to see absolutely zero wind, and the forecast having been way off. I hastily posted on Facebook and was happy two of my regulars picked up the challenge.

However, in common with a lot of people out fishing today, the seas were far less productive. Even from the beach there was a distinct drop in catches as I found out later. The wrecks also were not in the excellent form they had been in just a few days prior. Baby tides? Maybe. But perhaps one of those "sterile sea" situations I have banged on about before. Where everything simply turns off, or leaves the area quite literally overnight. Only the fish can tell us I suppose.

It was at least with some fish. Jon did me proud, taking the only plaice of the session on "Cracker bank" and it was another cracker in the 2lb region, heavier later in the season when fed back up. But it was again very difficult to get movement. So we headed further west.

Here we at least found some jumbo pout to bend the rods, which pleased Armando very much. "the meat tastes like Crab" he explained. But no sign of the cod or the gurnard I was hoping for. Which rather set the scene for the rest of the three hour fishing. I jumped around a lot of spots that were bankers last year for gurnard. But it is very clear the invasion last year is not going to be repeated this year. A very tough day!!

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