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Brighton Inshore Fishing - Catch report 21st August 2019

Robin Howard (a.k.a. Fishyrob)

When I wrote last, that the weather was closing us down for the foreseeable future, I must admit I wasnt expecting to be shut down for almost two weeks. After such an amazing session the last time I got out, it has been a very frustrating time, both for clients booked in and being disappointed, and for myself as this is all a work in progress.

First sailing since then, and a family day, Lionel, Mandy and her two lads, Jake and Luke. Not really a day for hard core casting. And the spot where all the big girls have been lurking, was still rather coloured anyhow. After a quick discussion with Lionel ( a regular) we decided to begin on the plaice and then wing it.

Not a bad call as it turned out. Enough action for everybody. As always, the lady did well (pheromones. Its a real thing...) But I think everybody had fish. And everybody had a smile as well. A real nice vibe on the boat, which always makes skippering easier. When running family days, it is all about attention span. Spotting the one beginning to lose interest early, and then changing the game. So, after some plaice were boated, and the odd mackerel, it was time for a move.

I headed further west, to a spot I havent fished for quite a while. However, it holds fond memories for lionel and I, I seem to remember from the spring of 2018, and coddies galore. With a few cod now starting to show on local shore marks, I hope it is just a matter of time before we begin to meet some. Not this session though. Instead, we found a good shoal of bass of mixed sizes (mainly smalls) taking their place. We fished it for a good hour or so, until eventually, despite my slow go arounds, we flattened the shoal. With the session on its last knocking, we then hit another coddie spot on the way back to the marina, but with zero results. However, the kids loved it. Mandy loved it. Lionel loved it. A fishy feed to entertain them for the rest of the day. Pretty much a perfect "Family session".

Carl and Alex. Anyone thinking that sounds familiar? Here is a lesson about the modern age. As many of you who have used my services for a long time might know, I have an interest in another website. . And on it, are videos that kind of chart my guiding career. Many videos. So when anybody else popped up with fishing videos, I always took an interest. Just to be sure our work (David Hall Media and myself) was looking good. And I think it did. And still does. Because to be fair, there is an awful lot of crap out there. Poor advice. Sometimes great characters, but usually claiming to know more about fish than the catches suggested. And then I clocked a video from "Carl and Alex".

The particular video that grabbed me was not one of their big hitters (the guys have over 1 million hits on one of their carp videos. I was not responsible for any of them as I am afraid I find carp videos the most undigestable. But the one that grabbed me, for the relaxed presenting style, simple, achievable tactics AND RESULT was actually one about small rivers. The Uck I think. It took me straight back to my days on the upper Chelmer and Roding. Essex waters where I forged some amazing bonds and learned so much about fish. And the presenting style was really easygoing. The right combination of fun and fact. So, when regular Steve said he and Callum were bringing them along, I must admit to being a little tense.

The fishing soon soothed the nerves though. The fish were nicely on, as the seas had now cleared enough to prospect where the big girls lay. And some quite big girls were had. Biggest. perhaps appropriately to trip organiser Steve, at 8.5lb. Callum, Carl and Alex both scored well. Banter was good, although I might have ruined a few scenes of any prospective video with my Essex baseness. I just cant help myself sometimes. The reason I remain single I suspect...

All in all, a good crack. And a great opportunity to chat developments in technology for recording since I was last playing that game. Drones especially, interesting me more and more. Both for marketing material, and fish spotting potential. And maybe for running baits out, as my mate Robbie Richies is doing so well with over in Perth, Australia. Exciting times to be breathing. And I cant wait to see what comes of the trip video wise. Havent been this excited since the last episode of Game of Thrones loomed. Although, I suspect, Carl and Alex's production, will be far less disappointing. Lets hope it makes over the million also...

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