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Writer's pictureRobin Howard

Brighton Inshore fishing - Catch report 25th August 2019

First sailing and my favourite Korean crew were back to play. Well, Wun and Dong were back to play, and I met Wun's delightful girlfriend Fujin for the first time. We went bassing, and caught some, although sizes not good. Mackerel we also had, plentiful and really on demand, so if I saw attention spans slipping I would metal up for some rod bending, then back on the shad to hunt the bass. Just two for the table for the guys, but plenty of mackerel. Their plans for the rest of the day were to simply cook it all up and eat it, in their Air BnB kitchen. Happy it is not my kitchen. I suspect there will be a slight fishy smell in the air for at least the next weeks residents of the holiday let...

Regulars Mark and Damo joined new to BIF1 Andy and Darius for more of the same. Mark and Damo plugged through, Mark as usual catching more than his fair share of bass whilst Damo had cod fever and hopped his way to a blank sadly. But its the right thing to do. If you want a coddie, best way is to really fish for it. Also on this trip were new to BIF1 Andy and Darius. They enjoyed, and took a nice mackerel feed home.

3rd and final sailing, and a lot of banter. Shaun had booked the whole boat charter, and joining him were his lad Harvey, ans friends Dan and Bud. I decided to head west for a change, as the bassing east side, although not terrible, was significantly less exciting than the previous week. And it was a good call. We found bass, for the table, as well as other fishes, including a pollack that was actually quite tidy for inhore coming off at the surface. And Harvey had one fish over my max 5lb kill, weighed afloat at around 7lb 4oz. The best fish of the day.

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