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Robin Howard (a.k.a. Fishyrob)

Brighton Inshore Fishing - Catch report 26th August 2019

Another mediocre day really. Nothing too exciting, although I think everyone who wanted a table bass got one. Certainly plenty of action, with small bass and way too many mackerel. But I have got quite used to lots of fish that are too big to kill. We seem a long way from that again suddenly. First trip I had Pedro who was going hard core and staying on for all three sessions. Regulars Mark and Damo and long time client from way back in the shore guiding days Mark was also onboard.

2nd sailing we swapped Damo for Trevor, and 3rd sailing we lost long term Mark and got Nick and Roger in their place. Another ok day. Noteable fish, well, we had a bright orange wrasse, to supplement the 40-50cm bass and the mackerel which were the mainstay of the day. Notable stuff happening... Moon (barrel) jelly fish up to four feet long and four feet wide were regular visitors. And on closer inspection, many often carry their own troop of little fishes around with them. Not quite sure what the fishes are but I intend to find out. Either little pouting hiding, or little bass utilising their mass as great cover for ambush predation.

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