First sailing, and the return of Scott and Stuart. And an earlier start (0500 sail) to allow for the guys work commitments. If you are whole boat chartering, you can make this request, as I am available as soon as the sky is a little lighter than dark in the mornings.

Its also a very good idea in periods of settled weather, as once the sun is up, with clear seas, the fish can often go finicky, certainly in the shallower parts. But while the sun is low, the effect is far less. As it rises, often the fish drift back to deeper parts.

It was a great sailing. A repeat routine of the previous day. With the last trickle of the ebb, and the first bit of flood, we fished for bigger fish. Crab eaters. And we found them. Not big numbers, but enough to keep the interest. And then, when the flood got moving, a friend on the beach tipped me off (cheers Ray) that the birds were feeding up the shingle. Bang. A lot of smaller fish, but lots of action. Then I tried a plan, and it bought better fish. I wont say what the plan was, as its not just friends that read this blog, but I worked out a link for finding the better fish while we have football field sized shoals of whitebait around. Another fifty plus session, and plenty of table fish, which was an irony as no-one was taking for the table.

2nd sailing, it was my pleasure to welcome back Yvette, my mad keen fly fishing client. We had some cloud hanging on, and from that, we were lucky enough to raise some surface feeders, as surface bass on the fly is as good as it gets. Then the cloud thinned, and we needed to go deeper.

A tough session, I think just five bass and a mackerel landed. But lots of smiles. And talk of future sessions for other species. But of course, all on the fly. Third sailing was cancelled due to a stiff SW forecast to arrive at 1500. Its 15:25 as I write this, and it still hasnt turned up... Ce la vie...
