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Writer's pictureRobin Howard

Brighton Inshore Fishing - Catch report 14th April 2024

Finally the wind dropped back enough to allow just two sailings. Although, as I have mentioned before, this year I was determined not to allow the wind to beat me, and as such I am now scheduling shore fishing, both bait and lure, all bass oriented other than mullet on fly, for those windy days. Boat will always take priority, but with sailings thus far averaging about one a month since December, bills have to be paid. All communications and reports are done from a whatsapp group I administer so if this floats your boat at all, drop me a text to 07970 112774 and I will add you to the group. Results last week were pretty good, including a new client best fish on baits, at 14.5lb (83cm of fat, roed up silver).

On to today, where for first sailing it was my pleasure to welcome aboard the captor of said 14,5lb bass, Lee, plus regular Bruno, and appearing more and more often Steve. Having not sailed for an age, and with an ebbing tide and quite green water, worse in close, and factoring in that we saw a rock worm swimming last time we were out, after a brief drift without result on one spot, I headed to the rock worm area. These are an often overlooked part of a bass's life in our parts, and I can understand why. They are tiny. But those with eyes wide open will have seen them. And at this time of year, they begin to mass for spawning. Bass know this and are keen.

The strategy appeared to work. Not lots of fish, but bass. And of the seven landed, four were for the table which was perfect, as Lee actually doesnt eat fish so much. Certainly not on fire, but definitely a result, as without having been out much, I am a long way from being on the pulse.

Second and final sailing, it was my pleasure to welcome new to BIF1 Fergus and his son Emile (DO NOT READ THAT AS EMILY... he really didn't like that... ;) ) , a returnee escaping from a fairly new born nipper, Callum, and, amazingly, co-founder of Brighton Inshore Fishing Bruce Dickinson was in town, a long way from his residence now in the Shetland Islands, making sure nobody had nicked his latest music college, WATERBEAR. He made up the numbers.

My plan was to do an hour on the plaice with the slow jig / Isome routine. This would give Fergus and Emile a chance to get their sea legs, and land a few fish, as well as get a feel for the tackle. It was a great plan, of which all of it went well. Other than the plaice. I suspect the green tumbling along the bottom may be thicker than what we see on the top.

So, despite the strong flooding tide being assisted by a SW breeze, already strengthening, I headed back to the rock worm spot. Happily, we hadn't got there. "What are all those birds doing?" queried Emile. I followed his gaze to see an awesome smash up happening. Thank goodness for young eyes. I got uptide of it all, and we commenced with Mighty Minnows.

Fish from the off. Brilliant fun in fact, especially for those for whom these were their first bass. We got to 19 bass landed before we lost the shoal. All returned. And then the wind, ever increasing, was putting the boat at nearly 2 knots. Too much like hard work, and with ever increasing swells, we canned the session an hour short and headed for home. So nice to be a skipper again. But, with also wanting to do more shore work, I now head not for the bath, but for the river, to show my whatsapp group what they might catch if they cross my palm with silver. This broken climate will NOT defeat me.

Happy Lee...

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