Just the one finned fish sailing today. There is a squid session later, but I will give that its own catch report. Anyone interested in squid fishing needs to be added to my whatsapp group, where the squid sessions are organised. Simply text SQUID and your name, to 07970 112774. After first checking that you have whatsapp.
Joining me on this session, friends from schooldays, Peter, Howard and John. Straight onto the Heddon one knocker spooks, rigged with barbless Cox and Rawle 3/0 singles. And with the new flood tide just getting going, it was kind of perfect. Which is why the fish responded instantly.
First hour was every bit as good as yesterday mornings sailing. The max kill (6 fish) was achieved quickly. However, we did not have any cloud cover, and as the sun got higher, so the fish got more finicky. I was watching Howard bring his lure back, when I noticed a serious bulge in the water behind. "something tidy behind you" I said. Then, just 20 feet from the boat, an immense mouth opened. And Howards rod started singing. And it was a heavy rock tune.
An epic battle ensued, with the fish taking big bursts of line. It also stayed really deep which meant we didnt quite appreciate its size. I was guessing a good eight, simply because doubles no longer exist. Except, they do. Eventually it tired and we finally got a look. It was clearly a good double. Slightly shitting myself in case something went wrong, I waited until it was fairly beaten and on its side before I pushed the landing net at it. A smooth netting, and Howard now had a PB. But how big...?
On the mat, with the fish as square as I could make it, the fin touched the 79cm line. On the B.A.S.S. weight to measure chart, a 78cm fish is 11lb 14oz, and an 80cm fish is 12lb 14oz. Howards fish was fat and in excellent condition, which brings us to a weight of at least 12.5lb. Probably bigger. However, we will claim 12.5lb, purely because that equals the boat record, caught in 2018, by a guy called.... Howard. It would seem that to get a big bass on BIF1, you simply have to have the magic name...
After 15 bass the sun was creating a real issue. We tried the cod run, but no cod. With these guys being out for food, and a maxmum bass catch in the well, they were very happy to try the last hour for squid and cuttle. Everyone caught, and eight squid and a cuttle were added to the tally. If Carlsberg made 3 hour sessions, their brand would be all over this one.