We all said it, during recent sweltering heat. "God, I wish it would rain". Today he listened... Did you notice? We on the first sailing, really enjoyed it at first. But then it got a bit monotonous, and then god started enjoying his rain party too much, sending bolts of disco lightening and way too much bass. Happily also some bass.

At this point, my health and safety obligations kicked in, and we headed back in to where yachts would be more likely to take the hit. But in the preceding two hours, Elliot, Andy and Geoffrey put a very respectable dozen bass in the net, with a max kill, and only four under the 42cm size limit. Quite good pickings, and with the abandon just as the tide got into flood, I suspect a potential thirty fish session would have been on the cards.

I had also thought Oret, a regular, was also supposed to be on the sailing. Indeed, I was quite upset on him for not showing, or calling. And then, this evening, he rang about his trip in the morning, which he isn't actually on. My first cock up on the bookings of the year. And we are almost in September. I'm deffo getting better. As always, I offered a free session, my standard apology when it is on me. And happily, Oret happily accepted and forgave my unforgiveable error. But I think god smiles on Oret. I think tomorrow, is a good day for ducks.

Second sailing I had moved to third sailing, to let the weather get out of the way. So, I went for a coffee at Cafe Zio, and thought I would pop home to iron my pants or something. Big mistake. My friend Lee was there. With a few hours to spare... Bloody hell. Ok then Lee... I gave a call to Armando, who has his mother in law over, and mentioned he is available for short notice trips. Another latte, and he was there. Off we went. Fishing was a lot harder. And those better quality fish, I couldnt find anywhere. Amazing how it changes so quickly. We hunted far and wide, with reasonable conditions, for just seven bass, and only one a keeper, plus a single chunky mackerel. Lee was happy for his mackerel, and Armando and I had to play quite hard on his heart strings to secure it for his daughter. The only fish she likes....

Third sailing, and a birthday treat for Josh, from his boss Rupert, and Ruperts son Joseph. If I got that right. They had taken the day off, or at least the afternoon, from their farm somewhere north of Brighton, to come see what lure fishing for bass was all about. Another pretty hard session. We ended up with seven bass landed, and again just one and a chunky mackerel for the table. But the guys really enjoyed it, and I too, really enjoyed hosting them, as they listened well, and fished superbly, which was exactly what was needed to prevent even skinnier pickings.