Just the one sailing, and possibly one of the last sailings for August looking at the charts for what is tumbling towards us. Thank goodness for surf beaches. With me this morning, Christian, James, Brian and Nick. And out onto beautifully flat seas. Calling the session on had been a dilemma as the forecast was showing the wind swinging to the SW and increasing around the time we would be finishing. But, cruising out on mirror seas, I was happy we were doing it.
First spot, where we had done well yesterday was less good. Mostly I suspect due to surprisingly lacklustre tidal flow. Indeed, nowhere was especially busy. But a couple of moves did give us some action each drift, and we slowly nudged the tally to 12 fish landed. Of these, six were for the table and happy people were able to action their bbq and sashimi ambitions. That wind though, did indeed appear, and pushed us back a full 30 minutes early. Not a terrible session. Lets hope it wasnt the last sailing of the year.