Just one, lengthened sailing today, due to the forecast. And a large dog. But that's not my story to tell. On board that man Mark was joined by biffer Lee, an occasional visitor who is also a fellow berth holder, but currently between vessels. Plaice and Squid and Bass were on the menu, and I planned to pick up where I left off with those chunky plaice last sailing yesterday.

Instead, we were inundated with whiting, and perhaps 3 small plaice. And a spider crab. Not what we went out there for. "I wonder if they have gone back up the beach" I mused to the guys. With the wind steadily increasing as forecast, it would definitely be warmer in there. We gave it a go. Drifting from close to the beach, there was a distinct band of plaice, and many were chunky. Really good fun. With ten for the table, we decided to hunt the squid and bass.

There, on the second mark, we ticked off the squid, with Lee nailing a good sized specimen. But bass, other than a few pulls that may or may not have been, sadly eluded us. But a lot of fun, and a great feed for Lee to take back up the road. And now, sadly, the NE wind means pretty much useless conditions for all lure fishing afloat for the next few days. Time to repair my hands, and sink a few beers. And maybe, finally, get in some trout fishing... Time will tell.
