Its definitely September. Well, almost not. And what a run, with more trips on than blown off. Long may it continue. Although Thursday looking very unlikely, and Friday in jeopardy also. Saturday currently looking awesome. But we all know how quickly forecasts can change.

First up today, Mitch, Mal, Tom and Martyn, all returnee's. We had a poke around in some deeper water while we awaited the first push of tide. One reasonable bass for Mitch, who was booked onto first two sailings. But not so much happening. Onto the reefs for the first of the flood. Here, things worked out much more to plan. The final tally 15 bass to 6lb, plus mackerel and gurnard. And, once again, one of those unicors, bringing our Cod Accumulative Total to eight. Happy they are becoming a daily occurrence. And a full kill for all on the bass.

Second sailing, Mitch, Richard, Marc and Geoffrey, again all returnee's. This one we struggled a bit for a while, as the tide died, but quickly it pushed back to the west, and the catching began in earnest. Twelve bass, with a full kill, except for Mitch who's fish were already resting in ice in his car. Very few smalls and some over the 59.. Plus Gurnards and mackerel.

Third sailing, and this one was far more of a struggle. Paul and Ben, returnee's. Bill new to the boat, but all familiar with each other, with many a fishy tale to tell of their many adventures with the angle. But tide seemed to die very early, and fish did not show in the places I usually find them at this state of tide. How it goes sometimes, and something that was also commented upon by one of my kayaking friends I have been chatting to this evening. Just six bass landed, and from that only two for the table. Plus cuttle and mackerel. A lovely day to be afloat though, and I think the guys had a nice experience, even if the fishing was quite challenging.
