First sailing on mirror calm seas, although still very green. Indeed, the worst is yet to come. What we have at the moment, are single algae's that soon will go into reproduction mode. When this happens, they all have a big orgy, joining up, and secrete a jelly like substance, to protect them. Am I a genius, knowing all this? No. Google MAY BLOOM and you too can understand. But what nowhere seems to mention, that I have observed, is when it dies and becomes scum, it is essential starter food for the newly hatched of many species. So, although it affects the fishing, to the point, it is an agony worth suffering.

And also why we have a lot of bass around at the moment. However, catching them is a lot more difficult. Is it the may rot or the tiny food? I really am not sure. On board with me this morning, Dave and Nat, Max and Steve. And fishing was difficult. Very. Just two bass landed. One was, however, a cracker, to Max. Released as way over the 60cm max kill limit we observe on BIF1

As much as it was hard fishing, we all had a really smashing three hours afloat. Chilly, but pleasant. And great banter, as always. Happy folk left the boat. Replaced by more soon to be happy folk, hopefully... Joining me on 2nd sailing were Ian, David, other Ian and other Max. Other Max was along for his first time aboard. Always a worry, especially when fishing is as hard as it is at the moment.

So, we cracked on. Took a while to find some fish but finally we did. A cod came up for David. And then a cod came up for David. And then a cod came up for David. Record not stuck. The greedy git nailed three cod in three drifts. Around, we all managed pouting... Until I hit an old pot. So I thought. Until the pot flapped a bit. A big male Undulate taking a liking to the 28gm mighty minnow. Always nice when we nail one of these. And happily, on the way back, Max caught his first ever bass. Not big, but the smile it created was big.

Final sailing, and that man Mark was back, accompanied by Swapnil. Again hard fishing. No cod this time despite some false alarms from very chunky pout. But five bass, with two for the table. Strange weather. I was hot and cold almost at the same time. Sun was warm, breeze brutal. When is the summer going to come...?

Spaces next week. Availability on the ticker, on the home page on this site.
