First sailing of two individual sailings. First trip, Nick and Richard met Ryan and Barry. Quite a different morning. Planning for hard bassing, we had agreed to split the session fifty fifty with plaice after a determined bass hunt. But actually although a long way from hot, it was certainly better than the previous day, with six bought to the boat. Just one for the table though, to Rich.
Happily, the plaicing was significantly better. And sizes were good. although plenty of smalls. We landed 30 fish, with ten for the table. Ryan was top rod, with nine fish. A very focused angler, that I have known since he was an annoying little shit. Now, he is far less annoying, and really has nailed some great rod skills. And he deffo isnt little anymore...
2nd and final sailing, with 3rd sailing cancelled due to some wind coming in for 12 hours or so, and Stuart and Peter met Luke and Lee. For a repeat performance really. Lee was a star, landing two table fish on the bass hunt. And everyone was quite even as we nailed quite a few plaice. Snag is, sizes much reduced since the morning, and just a single fish joining a lone mackerel and those two bass for culinary attention.