Why are no authorities commenting on the absurdly high inshore water temperatures? I wish I owned a big floaty thing right now, complete with temperature sensors. I would take it and fish wherever is currently coldest, regardless of structures. I saw water temperatures on my Lowrance GEN2 HDS7 a few years back, of 24 degrees. I thought that a bit warm. But today, it showed 30.2 degrees. I enclose a chart, of the solubility of oxygen in water, according to temperature. On all accounts, you are probably thinking I know something in detail about all of this. Well, in truth, I dont know where the HDS7 is measuring, or how accurate it is. And I deffo know sweet f.a. about oxygen solubility in water. But when I see fry breathing the surface air, like carp in a dying puddle, it makes me wonder. Lethargic whitebait in the marina. Thats a first. And I do know, a six degree hike in water temperatures from my personal record temperature, is a massive thing.

Does this explain the hard fishing, or the lack of the expected big fish inshore. Well, it could. And the other alternative, that they have all been eaten, is a horrific one to contemplate. It does make more sense. A big fish, has big muscle mass, and big blood flow, which all requires more oxygen than smaller fish. Or, is it simply they are being kept out at the windfarm, by the mass of horse mackerel that has become resident there? Will there be a whiting run this autumn? There wasnt really one last. This is another food source, that brings them into the edges. So many questions just now.

Back to the fishing. Dan bought along his boys George and Zak, who I have to say, were a pleasure to fish with. Nice parenting Dan. Also, Max, back for more. And as you might expect after the above brain dump, fishing was a tad harder than expected, especially with all flood of a fairly big tide. A grand total of three bass landed, zero for the table, with Garfish and cuttlefish for bycatch. Cuttles rife on certain reefs so if four of my cuttle fans want to get together, say I.

Next up, Deyan returned, and this time bought with him Shadi, Elias and Mark. This was a great trip, with happy hearted guys, and although the fishing remained hard, thanks to Deyans rod hours on BIF1, he nailed two for the table, from a total of... erm... I think it was five. Feathers meant the guys were going up the road with quality food for their efforts, as mackerel were really quite easy today.

Third sailing... (yes.. I worked a full day today!!) and Matt and his lad Ethan returned, joined by friends Rhyanneth and Rachel. Somehow I had expected Rhyanneth to be bringing her daughter, so it was a bit of a surprise when two proper grown ups pitched up. Not the first time. Rachel had a... We had an interesting conversation about this. Wish... Bucket list wish...Fantasy... We went with, interest I seem to recall, but it has been a long day. This interest, was to catch fish, and then cook them on a beach.

After the tough morning, I went for a soft option. Back to the plaice banks, where I hoped we might find some mackerel as bycatch. Plan was a good one, with plaice and mackerel. Just one nice one for the table, to Ethan. And mackerel for the ladies... girls... I think we went with girls.

Then we went for it for the second half of the session, all out for a bass. The girls had done well with the vertical stuff. Now it was time to teach them to cast. And they proved once again that women listen, and were very proficient in no time at all. Although no bass played, mackerel were prevalent, and some even stayed on to join the beach banquet. I also pointed out some very quiet beaches they might enjoy to feast upon, which I suspect they likely did. I do hope so.