Just the one sailing today, as earlier ones were cancelled due to that stubborn Northerly wind. Returnees Martin and Tom, dragging work colleague Mark along with them. We started a little after lunchtime, when the wind was supposed to drop. And it did a little, but it still affected our drifts. Not that it really mattered. Just a single bass. and very few marks. Not even a big bass. Quite often the way on the biggest tides of the cycle.
What to do then? Well, the guys were here for the table. As the plaicing is perhaps dropping off a little, I furnished them with what I call hoover rigs. The standard plaice lures make for 3 hooks, the addition of size 6 herring feathers increasing that to 9 hooks on each rig. "If you dont catch on that, then take up golf" I suggested. I rarely break the feathers out, but I needed the guys to go up the road with some fish.
And the plan worked fine. Plaice were not so hard and fast, with just half a dozen to the boat. But, mackerel and herring were plentiful. Big smiles, and decent bags of fish. Very happy customers. And because of the big smiles (certainly not because of the fishing) one happy skipper also.