First sailing, and regulars Max, Mitch and Mark on board. The three "M"s... Heading out of the marina, we couldn't help but notice, somebody had parked their yacht in the marina wall protecting blocks on the end of the East arm. Further investigations on local media and it appears it hit the rocks during the night, where the occupants departed via the rocks, and all are safe.

Definitely safer than the bass, that distinctly were not so safe. No particular hot spot on this session, with the fish well spread, possibly as a result of baitfish being everywhere. What was impressive, was the sizes.. Of the twelve landed, I don't recall a single fish being under the 42cm, although only four were killed for the table. Good sizes, good scraps, and quite good weather, although more east in the wind than the forecast had suggested.

Second sailing, and it was down to two "m"s as we lost Max to a hard day at work. This time, it was much more of a struggle. We ran around quite a bit for just five bass, and a couple of those were smalls. weather also deteriorated a lot, with rain, and a stiff ESE wind kicking up a fairly bouncy sea. But we endured. Just mackerel and gurnards as by-catch.

Third and final sailing, and the hard theme continued. Still a very bouncy sea, with the flooding tide being opposed by the easterly wind. And fish few and far between. Indeed, for Nick, Ian, Phil and Ed, the tally was just four fish. However, fly teasers also did some damage, ensuring everyone had fish for tea,. with the mackerel being abundant today. But sadly, just a single bass joining that party. How it goes sometimes, that of course I understand. But ;;; I want everyone to always have amazing days. Must try harder....
