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Writer's pictureRobin Howard

Brighton Inshore Fishing - Catch report 30th June 2021

First up, Richard, Garry, and Max. All regulars. And once again, it was all about being on top. There is something hypnotic about surface lures. Especially when quality fishes are quaffing them down. And always with 3 x the amount landed, missed. So, eleven fish for the session doesn't sound so amazing. But 30 or so awesome, smacking smashes, where fish climb on top of the lure and power down to inhale it, and still don't hook up, gives a better feel for the atmosphere of the session. The beauty of surface lures.

2nd and 3rd sailing, new to BIF1, Charlie and Lauren. Charlie wished to catch a bass on a fly. Lauren wished to catch a bass on a lure. And both wishes were granted quite quickly. However, thats not to say it ripped. It started really well, and then steadily, got tougher as the day went on. First session we managed five bass. Second session, just three. But three fish from those for the table.

It got slow enough, that I offered the option of plaice, which was readily seized. And happily they were feeding well. The anticipated amazement at how much even a small plaice scraps when hooked on a lure, of course happened. Even I found myself giggling as they used the fast ebbing tide to their advantage in pulling the hook, which of course a few did. And then, it was all too soon over, and I was saying goodbye to a really lovely couple. My job is made so much easer by lovely clients, which is actually, all of them, to date.

Final sailing... yes, I am a sucker for work sometimes, but actually, trying to fit everyone in, means sometimes I have to create overspill sessions while the long daylight hours allow. Tonight's session, another fly attempt. But the bass tap was truly in the off switch. No problem finding those sandeel shoals. But this time very little tapping them. A couple of schoolies to my surface lure. But nothing worthwhile. A move, and nothing either. Until the last 30 minutes. Trying an old favourite, and bang, a nice fish around 4lb, perfect for Yvonne's tea. And another missed, as she got to grips with the Heddon One knocker spook.

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