Finally a flat sea. It has looked quite flat from the shore the last few days but truly, with the easterly wind, it is never flat beyond 500 meters. We found that out on the way back in to port yesterday. Although it was not a new fact. I worked it out within the first week of owning BIF1 nearly 8 years ago. But today, wind was from the NE, which actually is straight offshore, as Brighton does face ever so slightly SSW. Joining me on said calm seas were David, Richard, Stewart and Brian.

I knew where I wanted to go, but actually, although the shoal was there, it was less impressive than the previous day. We got to ten fish, with just one scraper in the kill bin half way through the session. Time for change. I went for the other shoal. This one had some proper fish in it. No beasts but 3lb fish were taken, with a max kill, and a final tally of 25 bass landed. Plenty of tables returned as well. Brian also wanted some squid so went down on a single jig to nick out half a dozen in short time. Which bode well for my next trip.

This trip, it was my pleasure to welcome aboard Chris, Vasily, Mario and Ben. A work crew that also play together, and came to have fun. A few beers and a hip flask with plum brandy. I did have two small sips of the plum brandy from Vasily's family. I am always interested in home-made slivovice. And this one was an absolute gem. So good, that I sternly, but with some regret, refused any more. But Vasily... if grandad happens to send you too much...

The guys booked the whole boat for squid, and squid alone. When I said they would likely see a hundred squid, I dont think they believed me. When I said it could even be as many as 200, they definitely thought I was full of shit. Not the first, deffo not the last...

i clicked up 165, but I knew I had missed loads. There was so much going on. I went to my favourite flood spot for them, and then to my favourite ebb spot, and then to my second favourite ebb spot. And always there were squid. And too often dolphins. The three terrorists are inshore every day at the moment, clearly enjoying the easy feeding, and they actively come check us out each time, clearly in high spirits.

As I was bleaching down the boat an hour after returning, the penance for an easy session for me compared to bass fishing, I got a message from Chris. When they split the catch, it was 191 squid. Plus a few cuttles that we released. And one anemone. Not bad for four anglers in 3 hours.
Two spaces available Thursday, 0700 and 1130 both. Also, 3 spaces on a shore based squid trip Thursday starting 1730. As always, a message to 07970 112774 secures.