Just the one sailing again today, due to what three years ago may have been considered unseasonal weather conditions, but which we now call Summer. Joing me Natalie and David, and Max and Lee. Out to the last dribble of ebb, which at the moment, is not my favourite part of the tide. Whereas just two weeks ago, it was the part of the tide I could do the most with.
Sea are far less green. May rot almost finished with our shores. Soon the brown weed will be growing, now that the sun can reach the rocks, which will make our inshore bass those amazingly bronzed colour that we all adore. In the interim, spider crabs are moulting en masses, bringing the bass into crazy shallow water. And still the brit shoals roam, unmolested by the usual pelagics, horse mackerel and mackerel this year, strangely. All this means, bass do not need to do much or travel far for an easy feed.
It also means that bass are very easy to find, yet very hard to catch. They want either crab, or pin fry. Shads, hard plastics etc do not manage such mimicry. And if they did, the needle in the hay stack would be the new scenario. Triggering the best option using the retrieve. We got to eighteen landed when the final alarm went.
But on attempting to enter the marina, due to low water I wasnt fond of my chances to get back to my berth. With the forecast breeze still not arrived, I headed back out to take advantage of the new flood, knowing this movement would change the lethargic bass into feeding fish. When a strongly flowing tide is constantly trying to rake your food away from you, caution is very much thrown to the wind. Thirty minutes later we returned to port, with 33 bass now the tally. Food fish for those that wanted but no beasts. They come with the brown weed...
