Very big tides today. Not a fan of the biggest or the smallest for anything other than shore fishing I have to say. Although, this mega tide was kinder than many as the co-efficient was not as strong as I expected, which made for slower drifts than I expected. Fish were easy to find with the sonar, but something about the big tide meant they were less happy than usual to open their mouths. Out with me, Mark, William, Curteis and Brian.

Not to say some were not happy with the situation. Happily we managed to get a fish a piece for tea from the final tally of 14 bass landed. But smalls made up the rest of the tally despite seeing a real lot of bait fish. Even some surface activity but a run through did not trigger a response off the top. A lovely morning to be out though, and four happy souls left me to grab a super fast coffee (we had a delayed start due to a very low low tide) before welcoming aboard Paul, Jim and Ian. We were one down delayed by traffic, and with a forecast already suggesting we would be getting blown in, sadly we could not wait.

Top of the tide not much happening but I was hopeful for the ebb tide, especially when Paul landed a good fish over 4lb. However the ebb was notable for the lack of bass action, and how problematic the squid were getting chasing the shads. So much so that Ian and Jim happily jumped on a weighted jig and quickly amassed 16 squid between them. Added to a table bass Jim had caught as part of the total of just 4 bass landed, at least the main objective of a good feed had been achieved.

A few days of wind now by the looks. Fingers crossed normal service will be resumed middle of next week. Meanwhile, wind is good for bass fishing on baits ashore. If that is something that interests you, message your name and the word SHORE to 07970 112774 to be added to a whatsapp group where guided shore sessions are arranged.
