Today had been looking touch and go all week. Same forecast solid which is often an indication of accuracy. It looked like we would get 1st sailing and 2 hours of 2nd sailing. And that was exactly what we got.
The lucky crew on 1st sailing, Ryan, Mark, Sean, all returnee's, and Seans brother Dan, a BIF1 virgin. Starting exactly on low tide, fishing was likely to be a slow start, and then accelerate. It was kind of the reverse. A nice start, with a couple of quality fish. And then a far too slow trickle of smalls. It took a big move to get among quicker action, and I bolted on some time to allow for this unexpected transit.
Which worked a treat. Straight into fish, with the final tally 21, to a best of around 64cm to my rod. Great fun with a really lovely bunch of guys. Zio's for breakfast, then meeting with the slightly less lucky group for next sailings. Local tradesmen might recognise Maggie and Paul, both who work at the Shoreham Howdens warehouse. Purveyors of fine kitchen units... and taps, probably. I have no idea. I am not a local tradesman. What I do know, is they both really love a bit of BIF time, so I am happy for it. And joining them, local regular Jamie, and all the way from Utah, USA (our second from that side of the pond this week) Mark, Jamie's cousin in law.
Unlucky on two counts. 1st count was wind was already swinging to the SW and increasing, as predicted. And tide was slowing down, which means fishes have more time to inspect, and possibly (frequently) reject. But we persevered. I nearly through the towel in an hour into the session, as sloppy seas were causing crossed lines and stress, with little result, which isnt what we do. We do smiles. But a venture to a different area bought a slightly flatter playground.
Still not too many fish though, as we never got to stay out for the ebb really getting going, which is certainly when the numbers would be climbing. Instead the wind continued to increase, with sea state meaning lure control again became difficult. It is so important for results to be in contact. After two hours, I called lines in. 3rd sailing had already been cancelled for the same reason.